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Don’t leave Marmaris without a Turkish Bath Experience! We would like to recommend this trip at the very beginning of your holiday.
In the life of Turks, baths were not only a place for bathing, but also centers for health, social and cultural activities. The use of water, which is one of the vital needs of human beings, for health purposes has led to the construction of water spaces such as baths and hot springs. Turkish baths, one of these building types, respond to the washing and cleaning needs of people. In addition, baths have been architecturally shaped in line with the religious beliefs of societies in every period and have been a part of social life. Turkish bath word; It is derived from the Arabic words Hammam = Bath, Hebrew Hammam = Being hot. The bath can be described briefly as “a place for washing, purification and healing”. The use of washing in the prevention and treatment of diseases goes back to very old times. B.C. IV. In the 21st century, it is known that there are baths in Greece, which are the issue of the training and treatment of the body. Baths captured the main architectural character in Roman times. In this period, baths, which were established on quite large areas, became the center of sportive and cultural activities as well as cleaning. According to the water used, it is possible to divide Anatolian Turkish baths into baths that work with natural hot water and artificial heating systems. Structures built on natural hot water spring and generally used for health are called

hot springs. In addition to cleaning, Anatolian Turkish baths have a very important place in Turkish social life in terms of having many social events related to entertainment, birth and marriage. Today, it is possible to see hot and cold water pools, aromatic foam, mud, algae, clay, honey and vegetable oil massages and body treatments in the baths used mostly for cleaning, health and beauty.